Monday, April 18, 2022

Along the Bahnhofsstraße

A pinhole camera tour along Papphausen's Bahnhofsstraße... 

Entrance into the Hauptbahnhof Papphausen.

View down the Bahnhofsstraße with the Hauptbahnhof, one of my first scratchbuilt models.
It's based on the one in Duisburg.

Looking from the Hauptbahnhof towards the Feuerwache.
The post office was often attached to the station.

The Stellwerk.

Finally, reached the Feuerwache.

Back again towards the Hauptbahnhof.
The facade of the C&A was removed from the Palast der Republik.

The interior of the Hauptbahnhof is detailed, with a view through to Gleis 1.

A quick look back as we ride past the C&A and the Hauptbahnhof

An apartment block with retail/office space on the ground floor.
There is space available at the far end...

Heading down towards the more residential area with industry omnipresent...

The baker was swept away with a basket of Brötchen.

The Bergbau-Grill, a typical Imbiß/Bude which are everywhere. This layout has 4.
Zappelphillip knocked over his stroller with him in it... What to do? Well, at least he didn't die...

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