Thursday, December 27, 2012

Pappeck Reko-projekt on the Branchline - 5

Gardening in winter? Yes, and about time to be back working on things...

Post Christmas checklist:
  1. Dusting? Check!
  2. Track cleaning? Check, mostly...
  3. Düwag GT6 runs Check, after fixing due to drop...
  4. Backdrop fixed after getting bumped during various house construction projects? Check.
  5. Pappeck? Long neglected and in need of progress, or even better "completion?"
So, time to work in the gardens and create some scenes... Avoided these  #%$@ Busch kits long enough. On the menu cabbages, broccoli, lettuce, sunflowers and window boxes.

What have I gotten myself into...

Almost there...

The harvest...

Next, lift Pappeck out and bring to workbench and start detailing.
More anon...


Velma Bolyard said...

ha! we have snow old time north country style, but NO flowers.

Peter D. Verheyen said...

Why do you think I'm planting vegetables and other green stuff...? Ca 18" of the white stuff in our yard. Great for hanging in the basement empire where the sun always shines, even if through a sulfurous industrial haze.