Monday, December 29, 2008

The corner...

Also been working on this desolate corner that has been in need of attention for a l o n g time now. The "fachwerk" style firehouse in the corner will stay but low relief models of a more (post) industrial nature will flank it, also extending down the left side parallel to the track. Built a few facades out of card from scratch using patterned papers from Scalescenes as well as modified images from Jowi background image CD. The seams on the backdrop are individual panels that can be removed for easy access to the layout from the back. A must!

Above, the corner as it was...

The corner with low relief and flat structures added. A gasometer will be added off the left edge of the image once I do more with the scenery, i.e. trees and shrubs...

This old industrial structure is in the process of being transformed into an arts center, a sign of the ongoing "strukturwandel" in the region that sees heavy industries being replaced by service industries and other alternatives. Though made of card from a photographic image, there are about four layers to the structure giving a good deal of relief to it.

There will still be more tweaks over time...

Working on the railroad, again...

Attracted by the low price and fun challenge I recently purchased two of the Roco "Bromberg" type 4-axle boxcars of the DR. Not too many parts and no sanding, grinding, gluing required. Parts went together quickly and easily.

After putting together the kits, I knew they needed to be weathered, so started out with a wash of black india ink in alcohol. This was followed by applications of the Bragdon Enterprises powdered "chalks," the rust color of which was disolved in alcohol as well, making it penetrate into the springs and other bogie details. It was then finished off with dry applications of the "chalks."

Having finished the two Brombergs, I went at the pair of Brawa Gags boxcars (at back) a more modern type of 4-axle boxcars and the pair of tank cars. All in all a fun afternoon that has left me looking to do more. First, I place them on the layout and ran around for a while behind my BR 120 Taigatrommel of the DR.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Frohe Weihnachten | Merry Christmas

Aufgenommen von Bernd Düpper auf dem Nikolausfest im DB Museum Koblenz-Lützel
30. November 2008.

Taken by Bernd Düpper at the Nikolausfest held at the DB Museum Koblenz-Lützel on November 30th, 2008.